Welcome to The Teach Hub

Primary School Support & Teaching Resources

The Teach Hub is an English Consultancy and resources business set up by Claire Hubbard: a current Primary School Teacher, an experienced English Consultant and a current KS1/KS2 Moderator. Claire started teaching in 1988 and now has 37+ years of teaching experience and works independently as an Education Consultant as well as being an intervention teacher, and is the Managing Director of The Teach Hub. Claire is also the Moderation Manager for Walsall and leads CPD and training within the LA.

As The Teach Hub has grown, her daughter, Amy Gilbert (Year 6 teacher), has joined Claire as Editorial Director to help build on the success Claire has founded. The company also supports independent consultants, Jen Sadler and Katie Wainwright.

The Teach Hub runs a wide variety of online and face-to-face English courses that support schools with varied INSET and CPD – these are often made bespoke to the schools’ needs. The Teach Hub courses and training sessions often come with a huge array of tried and tested teaching resources that are warmly welcomed by those attending. View our full range of courses by clicking the ‘Courses’ tab.

Feel free to browse our wide range of teaching resources by using the tabs at the top of the page.

For Primary English Courses delivered directly to your place of work or via Zoom, please Contact Us.

For our Padlet information on resources and websites, please click this link.


Personal Consultancy Sessions

Members of The Teach Hub team are available to book for half days and full days for individual support (English or Phonic Lead, moderating work, deep dive advice, etc) as well as school support.  Contact editor@theteachhub.co.uk for more information and to make a booking.

Disclaimer: We are a participant in the Amazon Affiliate programme as a means for us to earn small fees by providing links to the Amazon site.


Thank you – The Teach Hub team.