Grammar Semantics KS1Grammar Semantics KS1

Grammar Semantics for KS1 Online Course – Thursday 7th November 1-3pm


Grammar Semantics for KS1

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Course Leader: Miss Katie Wainwright
Primary Teacher and English Consultant

Katie is an experienced teacher and Literacy Lead, currently focussing on Writing. Throughout this role, she has supported many schools with their writing journey on a one to one basis and now runs online courses to reach a wider audience. She currently works as a Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Moderator.

‘The Teach Hub’ provides a host of tried and tested resources to support each delivered course.

Overview of training:

Grammar Semantics is a take on Colourful Semantics which is an approach created by Alison Bryan, a Speech and Language Therapist based in the UK. It is a method of teaching children how to understand and build sentences. It is aimed at helping children to develop their grammar, but it is rooted in the meaning of words (semantics). At The Teach Hub, we have built upon the basics of Colourful Semantics in order to use it as a tried and tested approach to teach the majority of writing and grammar concepts to children. The view is that approach of Colourful Semantics will provide an engaging hook to bring the familiar to new learning, particularly when the abstract terms of verb, noun, and adjective come into learning.

An informative course that is aimed at English Subject Leaders, Primary School teachers and Senior Leadership team members.

Course Content:

  • To understand the key principles of Grammar Semantics.
  • To understand the progression of grammar teaching within KS1 and how each element can be taught using Grammar Semantics.
  • To use the National Curriculum to ensure appropriate coverage across Years 1 and 2.
  • To investigate activities and games to use when delivering grammar sessions using Grammar Semantics.
  • To discuss how Grammar Semantics can be used with pupils of all abilities.
  • To have access to a wide range of resources and planning to support the development of Grammar Semantics within your setting.

A school invoice option is available at the checkout if this is your preferred method of payment. Email