Spelling Subject Knowledge KS2Spelling Subject Knowledge KS2

Spelling Subject Knowledge in KS2 – Online Course – Tuesday 1st October 1-3pm


Teaching Primary Spellings Subject Knowledge Part Two Online Course

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Spelling Subject Knowledge in KS2 – This course is designed to support teachers with teaching spelling by providing a background knowledge of phonemes, syllables, etymology and morphology.  We aim to develop an awareness of the ‘whys’ of spelling, to support understanding of how words are formed, including those ‘exception’ words.  This course will complement the teaching of spelling regardless of any scheme the school uses.

Discounts can be given via school invoice for bookings of 5+.  Please choose the ‘School Invoice’ option at the checkout and contact us via email.

Please enquire for whole school bookings of 8+ at editor@theteachhub.co.uk.