Teaching VocabTeaching Vocab

Teaching Vocabulary in the Primary School Online Course – Friday 25th October 10am-12pm


Teaching Vocabulary in the Primary School Online Course

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This course is led by Jenni Sadler – Jen is an experienced teacher, who has taught in both Key Stage 1 and 2. Currently, she is Lead Practitioner, leading CPD and support for recently qualified teachers and ECTs. Jen currently teaches part-time in Key Stage Two and also leads an English team across her own school. She has written English resources for The Teach Hub and delivers training alongside Claire Hubbard.

This course looks at strategies for the effective teaching of vocabulary in Key Stage One and Two, using up-to-date research and recommendations. Speaking and Listening is prioritised along with how to build up and scaffold using a wide and diverse vocabulary linked to reading, and how and when to model. Targeting the more able is also considered within both guided and independent reading and writing activities. Activities are used within this course and discussion of ideas from different colleagues is promoted.

Discounts can be given via school invoice for bookings of 5+. Please email: editor@theteachhub.co.uk.