
Yr 2 Reading Sully the Seahorse Home Learning


Sully the Seahorse, is a gorgeous tale about a seahorse who longs to be fast like the whales and isn’t happy being who he is. But he takes a journey of self-discovery where he finds that all of us are special in our own unique way.

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Whole Class Reading resources and planning for Year 2, in a zip file based on Natalie Pritchard’s ‘Sully the Seahorse’. This book will link well to the emotional intelligence part of the Year 2 curriculum and could link to the Year 2 Geography curriculum of continents and oceans.   Inference and prediction skills are mainly covered in this unit.  This unit could easily be extended into numerous more lessons including many incidental writing opportunities for descriptive settings, diary writing and letters.  The book has endless possibilities and is the second book produced by the author.

In this pack you will find 2 x whole class lessons (an hour-long for each – or you can split them); an editable PowerPoint presentation; vocabulary focus; full planning using the KS1 Reading Domains; numerous tasks for you to choose from; and the word document texts that we used – all ready to print.

The tasks set for the children are sometimes scaffolded from Gold, to Silver to Bronze, to allow you to choose the one that you think most suits your child’s ability.  Please choose whichever one you prefer and remove the support as and when you need to.

The plans are included to show what teachers use, but each slide is also explained in the second PowerPoint as a recording so you can just play them as a slideshow and allow us to teach for you!

It is advisable to purchase the book to complete this unit: https://seaschoolstories.co.uk/

Please see the unit on Monty the Manatee written by the same author.