Year 1 Whole Class Reading Units

Lists of Reading Domains and skills covered can be obtained by clicking below:

Yr 1 Reading Skills covered

Yr 1 Whole Class Reading  Leon and the Place Between by Grahame Baker-Smith
 Wanting to prove to his brothers and sister that magic really exists, Leon volunteers to be in Abdul Kazam's magic show and he gets transported to a mysterious world.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
 A text to show the relationship between three baby owls who miss their mummy and their feelings - good for early Year 1 work.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Willbee the Bumblebee by Maureen Thomson and Craig Smith
Willbee has a problem with his clothing and others help him to sort it out.

Yr 1 Whole Class Reading Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell
 Poor Farmer Duck must do all the work around the house - will the farmer ever get out of bed?

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough
On the way to school one day, Sid is so full of happiness that he starts to fly. But no one believes him. Dogs don't fly, they say. Poor Sid is miserable, until his dad lets him in on an amazing secret: some dogs do!

Yr1 Whole Class Reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
 Follow the progress of a very hungry caterpillar as he eats his way through the week.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Funnybones by Allan Ahlberg
These funny skeletons are definitely not the scary sort!

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Poetry - I Moira Andrew
Use your senses to explore what you like and what you do not like in this fun poem.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Open Very Carefully. A Book with Bite! by Nick Bromley
This very grumpy crocodile has ended up in totally the wrong book, so he proceeds to eat his way out!

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Little Red Riding Hood retold by Bev Evans
This traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood visiting her grandmother retold in a simple and colourful way.     Click here

Yr1 Whole Class Reading The Three Little Pigs retold by Bev Evans
This traditional tale of the three little pigs and the wolf, retold in a simple and colourful way.  Click here

Yr1 Whole Class Reading The Elephant and the Bad Baby by Elfrida Vipont
The Elephant takes the Bad Baby for a ride and they go 'rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta down the road.'  All ends well as the baby learns to say, ‘Please’.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Bonfire Night Poetry by Irene Yates
Visualise the beautifully lit night sky with your Year One children using this descriptive poem.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Roy the Singing Zebra by Tim Bowerbank (online)
 Roy the zebra lives in a zoo and he is not allowed to sing.  Click here

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth by Jarvis
Alan the crocodile owns some big scary teeth, but what happens when he loses them?

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Super Daisy by Kes Gray and Nick Sharratt
Peas with pizza, peas with ice cream and even peas with lemonade! A job for Super Daisy!

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
A boy finds a penguin on his doorstep. The boy decides the penguin must be lost and tries to return him.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading The Tiger That Came to Tea
The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don't expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger!

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Worm, Slug, Maggot and Leech by Polly Walker
The story of four creatures who are unhappy with how they look, so they decide to try and change.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Bumblebear by Nadia Shireen
A delightful story about a bear that wanted to go to Bumblebee school to get some honey.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Gigantosaurus by Jonny Duddle
A dinosaur book with a funny ending!

Yr1 Whole Class Reading The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright
You don’t have to be big and brave to find your roar.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Tom and the Island of Dinosaurs by Ian Beck
The last of the dinosaurs are saved in a daring rescue in this exciting adventure book.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Farm Animals by Katie Dayne
A non-fiction unit based on farm animals - perfect for Year 1.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Jack and the Beanstalk retold by Bev Evans
This traditional tale of the three little pigs and the wolf, retold in a simple and

colourful way.   Click here

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Dinosaur by Stephanie Turnbull
This non-fiction unit will bring dinosaurs to life!


Yr1 Whole Class Reading Dinosaurs in my School by Timothy Knapman and Sarah Warburton
For one little boy school is turned upside down when the dinosaurs arrive.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading Dogger by Shirley Hughes
A firm favourite for Year One children. Dave loses his favourite toy, Dogger, and he is desolate, but then Dogger turns up at the school summer fair.

Yr1 Whole Class Reading The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
Early one morning a little spider spins her web on a fence post. One by one, the animals of the nearby farm try to distract her, yet the busy little spider keeps diligently at her work.

Yr 1 Whole Class Reading The Lonely Christmas Tree by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros
A beautiful Christmas poem with an uplifting message of love and celebrating being together.

Yr 1 Whole Class Reading A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson
Discover how an old lady tries to solve the problem of living in a small farmhouse in this funny rhyming story.

Yr 1 Whole Class Reading Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne
 Handa decides to take seven pieces of delicious fruit to her friend, Akeyo, who lives in the neighbouring village, but they disappear on the way!

Yr 1 Whole Class Reading Silly Billy By Anthony Browne
Billy is a bit of a worrier but when he stays with his Grandma, she helps him by giving him some worry dolls.


Yr 1 Whole Class Reading Shopping List by Julie Holder
Take a shopping trip with your Year 1 class to buy everything you need with this rhythmical poem.


Yr 1 Whole Class Reading Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers
Discover the delights of the planet Earth with this thought-provoking picture book.