
Writing for Y3 Spring Term B Keeping Skills Sharp


Editable Writing – Edit and Improve skills for the second half term of Spring.

SKU: TTH43WSPB Category:


Year 3 – Thirty slides of editable Writing – Edit and Improve skills for the second half term of the Spring Term (Powerpoint).  Each skill has been taken directly from the Age-Related Expectations to ensure pupils are continuing to revise and reinforce their taught writing skills in line with the National Curriculum.

We have produced a variety of different slides for the areas of writing covered at this point in the year. If you need to reinforce any point, you can copy and edit them to produce more of the same type of activity.  

We use these as warm-ups to enhance our writing lessons or at any time we have a free moment to keep those skills sharp! 

These will be produced for each half term in accordance with current teaching expectations.