Reading Evidence for Key Stage One
So many people ask us what reading evidence they can use for Key Stage One Moderation, but it can be really easy and nobody should have to start getting worried about it.  We have put together a list of resources we use in our own Year 2 classroom and have shared these on our recent Moderation Evidence courses.
We use some lessons as revision for the SATs as the children were needing to revise the layout of the questions they may encounter. The Elephant, Mouse, The Ugly Five and Pirate units all help with this along with many more.  We always specifically teach any Tier Two vocabulary first before allowing them to read the text in various ways to really get to know it, and then we set them a task.  Our reading lessons are an hour-long, but you could complete them across a number of days, allowing for rich discussion and involvement.  Written evidence is then produced if you need it,  to show what you could use as evidence for the Teacher Assessment Frameworks.
The 'Working Towards' the expected standard children can independently answer exactly the same questions as the rest of the class, using the same text using the scaffolding provided in the units.  The children working at the 'Expected' standard need to answer questions and use some inference and these have been included in all task sheets.  The children working towards ' a Greater Depth' standard can also use inference but extend to use a new part of the text that is unseen or new material to apply their skills.  They also need to compare the characters or the text itself to any other text they have read to attempt the last statement in the Teacher Assessment Framework.
More ideas are as follows:
1. Incidental notes on a piece of paper or post-its.  These are simply anything the Class Teacher or the Teaching Assistant notes down as the children read.  Sometimes this is during Whole Class Reading and sometimes when they are listening to a story.  Anything goes and when they make links between texts or predictions, they are also noted down.
2. Reading Journal - as the Year 2 children undertake Whole Class Reading (we do this once a week for one hour and teach the reading skills here), we have built up an evidence bank from week to week for the different skills.  We use The Teach Hub reading domain icons to represent different skills and also add in visualisation, questioning and clarification of ideas.  Each skill is taught and recorded. When understanding is shown, it is noted on each child's individual record.
3.  Running Records and PM Benchmarking - any of these records will back up your evidence.
4. Seesaw - our favourite and best APP/web page!  Free to use and invaluable for evidencing.  It is so simple and the children can use it themselves with only a short introduction.  Our Year 2 children record themselves reading a text on the IPads after photographing the page, and leave it to be checked later.  They use some of the text from Whole Class Reading or their current independent reading book or poem.  Just hearing a child read out loud covers the first five Teacher Assessment Framework statements at the Expected Standard.  The screenshot is of my 'fake' class that I show on courses, but the recording is one that I did use from Helen Stephen's text 'How to Hide a Lion'.  They loved it and when Helen tweeted the class - they were so excited.
5. Any notes from Guided Reading or Whole Class reading will also help in the evidence bank.
If you are trying to evidence those readers at Greater Depth, allow them to choose a book of their own choice.  Ask them questions about why they chose it and why they enjoy reading it.  Then ask them to tell you about another book they have read that reminds them of this one.  Here, they could evidence the comparison of two books if they can explain their choices well enough.  Some of our children could explain how the Emily Gravett books were similar (crossings out, animals as the main characters, some animals not liking many things and only liking one thing at the end, etc).  This all shows that the children are aware of wider reading and can make comparisons.  If you would like the document, click on the picture below.  Please see the pack in The Teach Hub shop for many activities to cover comparison at Greater Depth.  (This file contains the Common Exception Word lists below as part of the pack).
6. Common Exception Words - if your children are reading around the expected standard they will almost certainly be able to read many, if not all of the Year 2 Common Exception Words in context.  If you did want to check their reading in isolation, just ask them to read from a list and tick them off.  If they are Working Towards the Expected Standard and have not mastered them, then choose around 10 for them to focus on and learn.  Many of the words are decodable using phonics coding, even if they are the complex codes or ones they have not come across.  If you explain this, it helps them to read (and spell) them.  eg. people - p  eo (ee coded as eo) p  le (l coded as le).  We have lists where we have included all the Letters and Sounds high-frequency words with the Common Exception words and noted which ones the Letters and Sounds document class as 'tricky'.  We just say they have different codes.  Each phase (from Phase 2 -5) has the relevant words in lists and the rest are listed as the end of Key Stage One words.
All these are printed in our Author's Journals that are now available for Key Stage One as well as Key Stage Two.  It's easy to keep an individual record of what they can read if it is all in one place.  (Click on the image for the PPT that explains more).
If you would like to purchase these at £3.50 each, please email for more information: