
Yr 2 Whole Class Reading Mouse Factfile


Discover details about mice in this non-chronological report.

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Whole Class Reading resources and planning for Year 2 in a zip file based on a non-fiction text called ‘Mouse Facts’ based on Retrieval, Clarify and Inference skills. These skills are taught explicitly as pupils need to explain what they read in context.

In this pack you will find 1 x whole class reading lesson (an hour long – or you can split it into different daily sessions over the week), an editable PowerPoint; 6 reading warm ups – one for each reading skill; vocabulary focus; detailed instructional planning; the task sheet with scaffolding support along with the text to use – all ready to print. These resources can help to show evidence for KS1 Moderation for Inference skills at WTS, EXS and GDS (if used independently).

Additional resource included: Maths problem sheet linked to the information sheet for WTS, EXS and GDS Teacher Assessment Framework statements.