Assessment GridsAssessment Grids

UPDATED JULY 2024 EYFS Writing, Pre-Key Stage and Y1-6 Reading and Writing WTS, EXS and GDS Assessment Grids plus Y2 Maths grid


Primary Assessment Grids for Pre-Key Stage KS1 and KS2 and Y1 – Y6 (including TAF grids)


*** UPDATED JULY 2024 ***  Please contact us if you have previously ordered these and would like us to send you the updated versions.

This grid pack now includes updates for the Autumn Term of 2024 onwards and assessment grids for every year group across the primary school referencing Higher or Greater Depth Standards dependent on the Year Group.

Reading Assessment sheets for Y1-Y6 WTS, EXS and Higher/GD Standards – updated to include a specific focus on reading fluency and understanding of texts.

Writing Assessment sheets for EYFS, Y1-Y6 WTS, EXS and Higher/GD Standards – updated to include a specific focus on writing for a purpose, editing and dictation across the whole school.

Individual Reading Record sheets for each child updated to include a fluency grid, word reading and comprehension expectations and lists of the common exception and/or the KS2 statutory spelling words.



Teacher Assessment Framework Grids

END OF KS1 TAF Sheets – Individual sheets for Key Stage One (for WTS, EXS and GDS)

Updated April 2024 onwards  Pre-Key Stage One (standards 1-4) Moderation Grids for Reading, Writing and Maths.

The Year Two Reading, Writing and Maths grids have been rearranged and rewritten in line with the National Curriculum and the NAHT Key Performance Indicators, to allow a stronger earlier focus on the important aspects of fluency, editing, spelling, handwriting and number work. The original Teacher Assessment Framework sheets are also in the pack for those teachers and assessors that wish to continue to use them.


END OF KS2 TAF Sheets – Individual sheets for Key Stage Two (for WTS, EXS and GDS)

Updated April 2024 onwards KS2 TAF Sheets  Pre-Key Stage Two (standards 1-6) Moderation Grids for Reading, Writing and Maths.


Used as tick lists by many teachers (although it is not statutory to do so) and by some moderators. Easy to see if any gaps are appearing within the 100% model at the end of each Key Stage.