
Year 4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar activities and resources


A comprehensive pack of ideas and resources to teach Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar in Year 4.

SKU: TTH14SPAG Category:


A comprehensive word document and 45+ task/information sheets filled with explanations, pictures, ideas and a host of activities to teach Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar for the whole of Year 4. Activities are matched closely to the end of Year 4 requirements including, Working Towards, Working At and Working at Greater Depth of the Expected Standard.  Nearly all of the activities are text-based with age appropriate books to support learning in context and are easily adaptable for other books. Teachers who have trialled some of these activities are pleased to see their children motivated and eager to write.  Suitable for use as a whole class, groups or as intervention in Year 4.  They are especially appealing to those reluctant writers.

Other year groups are also available (Y1, Y2, Y3, Lower KS2 joint unit and UKS2 joint unit).

These resources and activities (and many more) are given out on our Y4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar course. Only a few examples of the pages are shown.

For information on booking courses please contact or visit our course page.